How long does each therapy session take?
Most sessions will take up to 60 mins, however this will depend on the session content and issues discussed. EMDR sessions can be up to 90 mins long but this will be discussed with you prior to the sessions.
How often should I see you?
This very much depends on your individual needs. Most clients like to book sessions either weekly or fortnightly, but you may prefer to meet less frequently. EMDR and CPT will be weekly appointments only.
Do I have to do out of session work?
Most psychological interventions require a form of in-between session tasks in order to strengthen learning from the sessions. Research shows that those who complete in-between session tasks have a higher rate of recovery compared with those who do not.
Do I have to tell anyone I am seeing you?
You do not need to tell anyone you are receiving support unless you feel comfortable.
Do you share any of my information with others?
As a healthcare delivery service and as individual clinicians we are legally bound by confidentiality unless there are immediate concerns for your safety or the safety of others. Your information is also protected and covered by GDPR regulations.